Family in Crisis- Just when it couldn\'t get any worse...

Screenwri, Florida

...Our car's engine threw a rod. Then it died. On the side of a busy road. In a thunderstorm. On the way to a job interview. Things just got much, much worse. Bessie, my 2002 Ford Taurus, was the only transportation for our small family - a Grandmother(me), my Daughter (a Navy Veteran & single parent) and my teenaged Grandson. I've been unemployed for the past year due to a disability, so we're all living on one meager income and food stamps. We were barely making the rent and utility payments each month and were looking for more jobs, and then this happened. So now Bessie needs a new engine and the lowest estimate for a used engine is $2,900. Unfortunately, we don't have anywhere near that amount. And if we don't pay the repair shop half the estimate by Friday, we'll have to pay to tow Bessie off their lot. We'd love to buy another used car instead of fixing Bessie, (she's been "sick" before and she's old) but our credit rating is... well, let's just say, nonexistent. Yes folks, poverty sucks! Since we live outside of town, public transportation is limited & not reliable, and cabs are too expensive. Plus in this heat & humidity, we look like wet dogs by the time we get anywhere. Bessie was our only way to go to job interviews, doctors appointments, do food shopping and laundry etc. Also, I work as a driver/caregiver for the elderly and can't do that without a reliable car.... She has to get fixed a.s.a.p.! ANY amount will be greatly appreciated. And all donations will go to fixing our car. We have no hidden agenda. We're just three good, loving, hard working people that need some temporary help just to get back to where we were two days ago. I can't get a job without a car- I drive for the elderly I wouldn't even be cyber-begging if we had family or friends (or a bank) to borrow from, but we don't. And my ex son-in-law is too selfish and stingy to help us or help his son buy a used car. And if anyone's feeling generous we would LOVE to have the money to get all our household belongings and my mother's (RIP) antiques out of the storage units they've been in in Texas for over SIX years now. I also had to give away my 2 beautiful cats when I moved to Florida and would be thrilled to have them back before they die. They're old and I miss them. And they miss me. BTW, I'm an award winning, produced, optioned screenwriter so if you're in the business, or know someone who is, and choose to donate, please email me at the addy on my paypal site and I'll reply with synopses and my bio. Thanks in advance and may the universe bless you with all the good things in life. P.S. I tried to include a picture of the repair estimate but my old phone doesn't download stuff to computers.