facing eviction

Sandyhook, Sandy hoo

HI and THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a single mom of 5 wonderful kids (there are the best). I had a very good job, but lost my job to company downsizing. With little money coming in, I have way to pay my mortage. I am facing eviction from my home, along with other things. I never ask for anything, and I'm not on any state assistance(IT makes feel like I'm stealing), but this one time I am asking for any help at all. SO, I can keep my family together. So please help if you can. If you can't online please mail to me:Sandra Porter HC 70 BOX 366 Sandy Hook Ky 41171 Thank You again for at least taking a look!!!!!!!!! HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!