Emergency Surgery

Mommeli, Arkansas

I am a mother to five, wonderful children and married to a great man! Life has been good to us, and we usually make it through our financial obstacles. This summer has been very different though. My husband lost his job and has not been able to find any full time work yet. He takes any odd job that he can find. I went to my Dr. for a routine pap only to find that I had to have an emergency surgery. A huge fibroid growing in my uterus necessitated an immediate total abdominal hysterectomy. My boss was very understanding, and I go back to work next week; however, we are now six weeks behind on just about all our bills. I own a home in another town, and pay the mortgage so my elderly mother can live there. I rent in another town where my job is. I make good money, just not while on leave of absence. I am afraid I will lose my home where my mother stays. I have paid on that house for eleven years, and she has nowhere else to go. My children start school in the next couple weeks, and I have barely been able to buy them anything. I do not collect food stamps, Medicaid, or any other government welfare. I work hard, and always have. I have an Associates Degree in Retail Management, and am working towards my Bachelors. I am very involved in community activities, volunteer for the local American Red Cross chapter, and fundraise for the Arkansas Children's Hospital. I am hoping God will speak to someone to come to my family's aide.