Down Payment For Home

Hello everyone I am looking for a little hand on get money raised for a down payment on a home for me my wife and two kids 1 year old and a 2 year old me an my wife both work everyday to try to make ends meet but seems to be no end of how life throws it at you seems to be working for free i am sure some of you feel the same way or have been there i am not asking for you to do it for me i am asking in more of a loan type of way to where we can pay you back with in time that is of course or whatever it may need done the down payment on this home is 2,000 then will be making payments for about 2 and a half years witch sounds good for me it not a great new home or anything it was the cheapest and best way for me to go a place to call home plus it is cheaper monthly on payments then it would be were we are living in a one bed room apt anyway i do thank you for your helping hand every buck counts to us we are willing to pay it all back just need it as a loan thanks!