Disabled Person Needs help paying Sears Bill that has been ongoing for 10 years.

Ksalyer, Tucson

I'm currently disabled but, I am working from home. The income I get currently is not enough to cover a Sears Bill that is currently at $4,348.52 USD. I have been only able to put $140.00 USD a month for the last 3 years to keep from it going up quickly. Recently I've lost Food Stamps of $200.00 a month due to going back to school. So to eat and go to school while working I need the $140.00 USD that was going to the Sears Bill every month. As you can see I need your help badly. The main reason I am going back to school is to get a 4 year degree in Systems Administration/Networking Bachelor's Degree OF APPLIED SCIENCE, so I can earn enough not to be stuggling like this. PLEASE HELP A STRUGGLING DISABLED STUDENT CATCH UP. Thank You for your Consideration PayPal E-mail Address is ksalyer@cox.net