Disabled Person Needs help paying Sears Bill that has been ongoing for 10 years.
Ksalyer, Tucson
I'm currently disabled but, I am working from home. The income I get currently is not enough to cover a Sears Bill that is currently at $4,348.52 USD. I have been only able to put $140.00 USD a month for the last 3 years to keep from it going up quickly.
Recently I've lost Food Stamps of $200.00 a month due to going back to school.
So to eat and go to school while working I need the $140.00 USD that was going to the Sears Bill every month.
As you can see I need your help badly.
The main reason I am going back to school is to get a 4 year degree in
Systems Administration/Networking
Bachelor's Degree OF APPLIED SCIENCE, so I can earn enough not to be stuggling like this.
Thank You for your Consideration
PayPal E-mail Address is ksalyer@cox.net

ñïñ çà èíôó!!…
hi im glad to recieve response frm you since i saw your post that you realy in need here is the email of a couple who help me a lot. jeromegonzaga2@gmail.com pls dont tel them im the one who gave their email to you they dont want to spread it because many had abuse them.they are very kind i hope they wil also help you like what they did to me and to my family.be sincere in asking they only help people who deserve it. tel them your story. they wil listen i swear and 100 percent sure they wil change your life. good luck and god bless for some question feel free to ask me.