Disabled due to AIDS and Menengitis

Dave, NC

I worked hard all my life, made some stupid desisions in the 90s and caught HIV. I never knew I was ill and finally ended up in icu with menengitis and almost died. I survived but lost everthing and now have to panhandle to make it. It isnt good for my health but I have a 9 yr old son and I try and do what I can. I was a US Marine and worked for 28 years but had to stop at the age of 45. I know there are so many people in financial distress. I have tried the VA but only to be let out the door with zero help besides medication to keep me alive. I used to own a nice house and an electrical business but am now broke, sick and desperate for anything. I never thought I would end up having to beg but it is what it is and being an ex Marine and Irish I will fight till Im dead no matter how sick or destutute I become. I am borrowing this computer to write this but I feel I have no choice but to ask for help so can give my body a rest. My son looks at me like he knows Im not well and I try but he knows Im really sick. I just need anything really, a dollar, a jacket whatever helps. Thanx for looking Dave