Desperate, trying to raise $500 for family well being

Kiles8, Michigan

I am from Flint, MI. When I entered the career force things were booming. I became a project manager at a local stone shop. I was paid well, had good benefits, and lots of vacation time. Life was grand. Then due to the economy busrting i was let go. He said he had no choice. Half of the shop was let go. Eventually the company crumbled. I've been out of work for almost 3 years now. Thank God my wife has a good job or we would be out on the streets. To make matters worse I have become disabled. Even to the point that I can't work if there were work in this city. I worry my wife will leave me. I have appled for disablity and was rejected. I then got an attorney and she is helping me appeal it. My wife does everything she can but it just doen't pay all the bills. I wish there was more I could do but I'm just not able, at least for now, to provide. It kills me inside. Please know that I am a good man fallen on hard times. Anything will help. Thank you