desperate plee for help

JoAnn, Californi

my situation is urgent to the safety & welfare of my children this link will give the story please help i will be evicted in 2 days if i can't pay my back rent of $5,190 my children don't have food welfare won't help because they say i have a job now but i don't start working til 3/10/2014 I lost my job of 15 years because of to many absences i was embarrassed to go to work with bruises and black eyes my husband turned abusive & I left with my kids and haven't looked back i took my savings to rent a place and thought i would have found a job before now but didn't my rent & bills unpaid my electricity is scheduled for shut off on 3/7/2014 i am afraid we will be homeless I am just trying to breathe i really need the help god please i am afraid what will happen to me & my children & my new job if i could get a little food and the back rent & late fees paid i can maintain from here i usually pay my rent to the landlord thru his bank account deposit only. I only have 2 more days thank you for your time