Desparate : Never asked for help before....
Ive worked all my life and never ever had to ask for help,ive always been the one helping others. And i feel ashamed of myself that i have to ask for help, i cant afford to put my gas on or pay other bills. But totally on my backside. I get £116 a fortnight and out of that have to put £120 to my rent every month,you may be saying find somewhere cheaper!!! easier said than done,when i got this place i could afford the rent. if i was to leave id have to find the bond plus rent in advance. Ive not got 2 hap'ennies to rub together. I cant even afford christmas this year for my 4 beautiful grandsons, which is breaking my heart. I would appreciate anything, im not asking for it to be cash just anything.my email is sharonlane151063@gmail.com if anyone can help me. Kind regards Sharon

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