A young p, Alberta
I'm working as a full-time in the Human Services Profession. I chose this profession through the dismay of my family because I've always wanted to help others. My parents assumed that I would just become a lawyer or doctor. My parents didn't support my desire to pursue a Bachelor of Arts Degree so I decided to persevere and go to school anyways. I completed my 4 year undergrad degree and graduated in 2010 . I was able to fund my education through bursaries and applying for student loans. I also worked part-time. It was tough balancing school and work but I made it happen. I got accepted into a competitive after degree program and decided to pursue a second degree and completed my studies in 2012. This was perhaps the most challenging endeavour I had ever done. I was balancing working 30 hours/ week, studying and going to school and maintaining a 3.8 GPA, working 4 days/ week at a practicum which is unpaid. This was basically my life for a long time. Nonetheless I am grateful to be able to go to school and have an education as many people aren't able to do that. I've been working for a few years now and my debt keeps accumulating. I want to be able to pay off my student loans and hopefully one day purchase a home. It is impossible to do anything like that with my student loan debt. I haven't been able to make enough money to pay off my debt and the interest keeps on adding up and I can barely afford the minimum monthly payments. Any help is greatly appreciated :)

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