continuing education

Jakob, Kansas

Unfortunately I have been unemployed for just going over 1 and a half years. Luckily I have my father that is providing a place to live and what little food he can. I have been going to school and eating for the past year by the way of a pell grant. Unfortunately I can no longer get anymore assistance via pell grants. I am happy to say that I have a 4.0 GPA but I have not yet received my associates. I am in need of any money possible to continue my education. This next semester of schooling is going to cost almost $2000. I am desperate for any help possible. I want to contribute to society but I have had a spot of bad luck in the way of finding a job. I can't even get a part time fast food job! I know there are people more deserving of help than I am so support them first! If you can spare anything thank you from the bottom of my heart!