Clothes, car, gas, food, bills, home, christmas

Mom of Sp, Louisiana

I am a 39 year old Mom of a special needs child. She is ADHD/ Emotional Disorder/Bi Polar. We fled our home due to her violent father. I have spent a fortune in court trying to get him to pay child support but the judge will not put him in jail. We are living with my parents and have no home of our own. The do not help me with money. I had to quit my job to take care of her because no one wants to deal with her. I have applied to everything I can think of and keep getting denied. I am about to have to sell my car because I cant pay the note or insurance. My child is 7 years old and I will do whatever I have to do to get her the help that she needs. So I am calling out to the kindness of others for help, Thank you for hearing my story.