Close to Eviction

Jessica, Melbourne

I am a single mom, like a million other women out there and I am really struggling right now. I have not received a child support payment in over 4 months and even before that they were very irregular. I am getting more and more behind on my bills every month. I am almost $1000 behind on my rent and $200 behind on the water bill. I am renting a small 1 bedroom apartment and my son sleeps in the bedroom which leaves me on the couch. In the last month, we have been scraping by on food because I simply cannot afford to buy enough groceries to make it. I was cut off from food stamps because they now say that I make too much money (they are counting the child support I am SUPPOSSED to be getting.) I could really use some help in getting caught up on the rent and other bills. I am doing the very best that I can to support myself and my son. I do not party or do drugs. I don't squander my money. I just really cannot seem to keep up right now. I feel a little guilty for "begging" online. But, I can assure you that I have had better times and helped a lot of people in those good times. I will have good times again, and I will certainly pay it forward. I do not have any family that can help and I really do not want to be homeless with my son. We have been there in the past and I would be so ashamed if I had to put my son in that situation again. The last few years have been very difficult for us and he deserves a good home. Please help us keep a roof over our heads.