Clean Slate

JeremyR74, Peoria Il

I have always prided myself on helping others in times of need however I find myself in a state of distress. I am a single father who pays child support proudly. Have a good job and have cut down on everything. No more cable, internet at work only, cellphone down to the minimum plan. Over the last 3 months however things have gone from manageable to drowning. Car began having issues after damage done in the winter, Meniere's Disease attacks had me taking time off work as well. I have been fortunate to have local food pantries for food assistance however I have fallen behind on bills. Medical, rent, and utilities. I did a quick payday loan thinking that would be the solution however after having to pay back the full amount plus a large interest it only made things worse for the quick fix. I am behind only about $700 and am looking for any kind folks out there who might be able to help. I am a strong believer of paying it forward and always have been. Thank you for taking the time to read this.