Cant afford credit payments because of long term salary delay and following closing of employer. Bank are going to sue me.

Miscaroo, Sakhalin,

Please! Help me to close two credits. I'm native from Sakhalin island. One year ago I lived in Moscow for several years, Russia. I had a girlfriend, a work and help her to raise her son. But one time I foundout that she betrayed me. Once we parted I gone living in hostel, then I lost my work because they were just insighted to get outsourcing (I worked as Sysadmin). After several monthes of trying to find the job, I decided to back to island and try there. After arriving my money are came to the end and I borrowd 10000$ and then 875$ from the bank for living while finding the job. I found one, but with my salary I can't pay my credit already. I've had paid a most part of it and it's left about 3600$, but I can't pay already because of salary pay-off delays for two month and firm is closed now. Bank are going to sue me (so i have two month credit payment delay and accumulated sum and %%). Can anyone help me partially donation-by-donation to close that credit and get me off thet credit hole? Help me. I bet I will pray for you not mention if you need it or not. THANK YOU!