Broken Compact Tumble Dryer

Petals, Leicester

Hi I have filled in a few of these begging forms asking for help, you see I am a single mother, I am also disabled and I have 3 children - I have explained in my other posts about my health and the fact I am unable to work due to my poor health - I have asked for peoples help because I can no longer cope with what's getting thrown at me - It's been one thing after another and I'm not sure how much longer I can cope with things - Stress makes my illness worse so I am in constant pain - They say things come in three's but I have had more like 5 things break on me - My oven has broken and now my Tumble Dryer has packed up, I can't afford to fix my car and I need a mobility scooter so I can get out the house ( which I'm not doing at the moment because I can't walk far ) so I am once again pleading for some help - Even if it's just a £1 here or there it would make all the difference to me and my family ... Many Thanks for reading this .. Petals