Breezy's Birthday Boobie Bonanza!
Breezy, SB, CA
I'm not gonna give you another friggin sob story to listen to...yes, I'm a broke just-graduated-from-college girl but that's ok, I'm trying to make it work, everyone's gotta struggle a little in my opinion. BUT I would really like to get some boobs, since I was a little girl I've been *waiting* for them to arrive, well they're still not friggin here! Which means I've gotta take matters into my own hands, SO I'd really like to get some for my 24th B-day, February 1st. So in addition to my 3 jobs, I'm trying to "FUNdraise," if you will...I would REALLLLLLLY appreciate any donations! Help me make the world a *bustier* place!

tnx for info!…