Bills, Christmas, Medical Bills, Living Expenses, School
Bi Polar , Baton Rou
Good Morning:
My name is Tina. I am 39 years old. My divorce was just final a few weeks ago. My daughter and I left our home last year with nothing more than clothes and a dog who was smart enough to jump in the car. My ex is a very violent person and although he never hit me he was very cruel. And I have nightmares about what he did to my child while I was at work. Since then we moved in with my parents. I started my child into therapy as soon as I left and over the course of the year she has been treated for ADHD, emotional disorders, and is now on Bi Polar medications. I worked for about six months after I left but it soon wore me down so much I had to resign. Her disorders are so extreme that no one else wants to deal with then. So I am a stay at home mom. As a result I have no money. I spent a fortune in court over custody and visitation and child support. I just sold the only thing I had to sell which was my car to help pay off the lawyer. But I am going back to school in January to get my BA in Psychology. Parents wont help with money. Which brings me to this last resort. Anything given would be a blessing. Thank you and god bless

good day.. first of all, i want to introduce my self my name is angel patricia go i also wrote in this site last year where you also wrote and ask for a help. i just want to tell you that i can help you. i can help you not financialy but i wil tell you that there are still good person in this world who are wiling to help people in need like us. they are mr and mrs gonzaga they dont have children so they prefer to help people in need. he help me and my family pay our debts which is 76,000usd.. i am so thankful that there are stil such good samaritan like them and i hope that they wil also help you and pls dont tel them that i am the one who told you about them because they only help people who deserve it thats what i can do.i just want to share this blessing. tell them your story they wil listen. hope they wil help you too like what they did to me and my family.good luck and god bless. if you are interested just let me know email me at mayetgo@gmail.com