Behind on everything
Family in, Texas
My name is Brandy, and I’m a working mom of an amazing 3 year old. It’s been slow at work and while I’ve been picking up hours where I can, I’ve fallen behind on bills. I’m at risk of losing the house and my car... I can barely keep food on the table at this point... I’m behind almost $6,000.00. Family is helping out with food, but that’s the only way they can help. We have no where to go if we lose the house, and this is one of my last resorts. Thank you in advance for even reading this, this is a very hard thing for me to ask. It’s scary, not knowing what to do and feeling like you’re in a financial hole you can’t get out of, and there’s a child depending on you. I don’t want to let him down. Anything helps, and honestly, truly, I appreciate you all. My PayPal is PayPal.me/rorsh

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