assistance for a mom and woman

I apologize for emailing you in this matter, however, the District Metropolitan police department of domestic violence provided me with resources on where I can possibly get emergency rental assistance from. Usually I'll leave it in Gods hands to make a way, however, God also put people on this earth to be a blessing to others, and he said you have not because you ask not. So I'm asking. If you don't mind reading my email below and passing it along to the department who handles emergency rental assistance please, please πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ? I am only in need of June's rent which will be such a blessing. I live in the ward 7 area near the 7 district police department. Well thank,, you for your time. I'm unsure of the process; this is the reason for my email. So if you have any information also that would help me that also will be great. Thank you and God bless you. Hello, My name is Jasmine C Johnson. I am praying you would be of some assistance to me, please. I'm in tears writing you this email. I missed my court date for a protection order against my ex because I had a seizure cause could get nerves. I've been with this man for unemployment years never having the courage to call the police until now. However, Langston, that's his name came back last week we had a talk and the Christian in me allowed him back in because hey after nine years you see good and bad in people right? No wrong I am sitting here with another black eye wondering how in the world do I explain this to my mother and how much makeup do I cover up this time so my 9 year doesn't think it's acceptable to hit on girls. Stupid yes I know for letting him in I know. I lost my job after 7 years I WAS DISCHARGED ON APRIL 2ND FOR TARDINESS DUE TO BEING SICK I WAS DIAGNOSED WITH ESOPHGOSIS ADENOCARCINOMA. I APPLIED FOR FMLA, HOWEVER, IT WAS AFTER MY DISCHARGE DATE WHEN I HAD MY FORMS FILLED OUT. I THOUGHT I COULD HANDLE MY PERSONAL LIFE AND WORK BEING A MOM AND GETTING A MASTER DEGREE ALL AT ONCE, HOWEVER, APPARENTLY I COULD NOT. MY EMPLOYER KNEW OF MY SICKNESS EARLY ON, HOWEVER, UNFORTUNATELY STILL THE ASSISTANT MANAGER LET ME GO. AT ONE POINT THE ASSISTANT MANAGER WOULD BE OK WITH ME, AND DURING SOME POINTS SHE WOULD NOT. IT WAS QUITE CONFUSING. I'VE NEVER CALLED OUT. MY ASSISTANT MANAGER STATED SHE WOULD be HAD RATHER ME CALL OUT THEN HAVE LATE ARRIVALS BECAUSE I’VE NEVER CALLED OUT IN THE 6 YEARS I BEEN EMPLOYED WITH MEDSTAR HEALTH. I'VE HAD WONDERFUL REVIEWS ALWAYS BEEN ON ROLL MODEL STATUS I WAS PROMOTED BECAUSE OF IT. I BELIEVE I WAS DISCHARGED ON UNFAIR TERMS, BUT IT WAS OK BECAUSE I HAD NOT HAD MY FMLA PAPERS DONE IN TIME. I HAD NO IDEA I WOULD BE LET GO ON APRIL 2ND. Furthermore, IN THE PAST 6 YEARS I ALWAYS FOLLOWED PROCEDURES FOR REQUESTING TIME OFF. ALSO, ANYTIME I WOULD NEED TO COME IN LATE TO DO BEING SICK, OR HAVING SEIZURES, I WOULD INFORM MANAGEMENT. I HAVE NEVER WENT AGAINST POLICY. However, I LOVE WORKING FOR MEDSTAR HEALTH. SINCE MY SURGERY IM CANCER CELL-FREE THANK GOD I IMPROVED A LOT. IT WAS AFTER MY SURGERY, PER THE ASSISTANT MANAGER, HOWEVER, BY THAT TIME, I HAD EXCEEDED MY TARDINESS. THE ASSISTANT MANAGER DISCHARGED ME FROM CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES. THAT SAME WEEK MY FMLA PACKET ARRIVED IN MY MAILBOX. IM FEELING MUCH BETTER HEALTH AND WOULD PRAY FOR ANOTHER CHANCE AT EMPLOYEES WITH MEDSTAR HEALTH, OR ANY COMPANY RATHER. I'VE BEEN GOING ON INTERVIEWS I KNOW GOD WILL BLESS ME WITH SOMETHING SOON. I AM HOLDING IF YOUR PROGRAM WOULD HELP ME WITH RENTAL ASSISTANCE I REALLY DONT WANT TO TAKE OUT A LOAN, HOWEVER, I PAY $1100 IN RENT $200 A WEEK IN DAYCARE AND ELECTRIC AND CABLE AND EVERYTHING are DUE I NEED HELP. BECAUSE OF MY STUPIDITY I ALLOWED HIM TO CONTROL MY WORLD AND IM RISKING LOOSING IT ALL. I CANT HAVE THAT MY SON DEPENDS ON ME. I'M DEPENDING ON GOD. PLEASE CAN YOU ALL HELP ME OR IF YOU KNOW OF ANYTHING OR OTHER SOURCES PLEASE WELL THANKS FOR JUST LISTENING to GOD BLESS YOU HES GONE AND THIS TIME GONE FOREVER AND NEVER EVER COMING BACK. I REALLY NEED MY LOCKS CHANGE I'LL TRY CALLING AROUND AGAIN picture below 😞 these photos are from today I put him out today for the last time I had no time to call the police and he left on his own because I said I would contact the police. There are more photos but I'm sure you understand I'm sorry I was so stupid again I KNOW YOU ALL GET STORED LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME. GOD BLESS YOU. JASMINE C JOHNSON 202-271-7050