Almost Homeless...


I am a single mother, trying to find help with providing my kids with a permanent roof over their heads. I am a survivor of domestic violence. I put my ex-husband in jail and moved us out of our home so that he could not find us. It took me almost two years to finalize our divorce and get permission to leave the state. We are finally out, in temporary housing, and it took every penny I had. Our temporary housing only runs through the end of the month, and I have been running into problems left and right getting approved for a rental. While we were married, my ex husband would steal the money I had for rent and bills, even diapers and wipes. It left me in a horrible predicament credit-wise, as I had to let go of my credit just to be able to make ends meet. Now that things are stable with income, I am left with hardly anyone wanting to rent to me. Even low-income housing requires decent credit. The landlords who have said they would consider it need much greater deposits than I can come up with. I have also priced small mobile homes, and while they would fit our budget perfectly, I cannot procure a loan even through our federal guaranteed loan programs. I am seeking help getting us into a decent place to live, or if you know of any private lenders who may be willing to lend to someone for a small mobile home, I would be so very grateful! Brightest Blessings!