All I\'m asking for is $50.00 from good people

Donate2na, Michigan

Hi and thanks so much for reading, My wife and I are in our 50's. We have jobs, but I work as a delivery driver part time and my wife is down to working 1-2 day's per week and it won't get any better. We have no health insurance. She has diabetes and COPD from working in a factory when she was younger. I have had 2 heart attacks and have a bad back. We will both have to go on disability sometime in the future. I have to drive a 1991 Ford pickup 40 miles back and forth to work that has no heat, bald tires, and a loud exhaust due to the exhaust system rusting out. My wife walks to work and back. Although we have all these problems...that is life. We will get by through by the grace of God. There are people worse off. I am asking for just fifty dollars so I can purchase another income stream so we can help ourselves. This income stream will help support us if and when we have to go on disability. We would be so appreciative for the donation from some good person or good people. Thanks for reading, Nate Thank you in advance and