After paying off debt interest no enough money to survive
Debt prob, Lonodn
I am a 31 years old woman, employed full time (better said working my tits off for a peanuts) and PhD student in economics living with my beloved partner S. in a happy relationship. That is the general view. Not bad, right? Unfortunately it's bad. Two years ago my partner had an accident. Nothing major, but kept him off work for a seven months. Sickness pay is a lough: 250 a month. We survived that undamaged with a little debt,which we almost paid off when S. lost his job last year. He is in his 40. and it's not easy for people his age with little education to find jobs nowadays.
My wage unfortunately isn't enough to pay rent and feed to both of us (and a cat) so we slowly, slowly got ourselves in debt.
Two months ago the biggest disaster happened - our landlord informed us that we need to move out, because he is selling the property and moving out to South Africa. And he did without giving us back security deposit for the flat we lived in.
So we had to face finding a new place to live and gather money to pay deposit for new place and rent in advance. And that means only one thing - more debt. Because either of us ever took any credit we don't have almost any credit rating and all the loans we took are with high interest.
Now we are 4,500 in debt and need to pay of enormous interests that will probably leave us homeless. Someone will say that is not a big debt. Maybe in relative numbers is not, but for the two of us it's a disaster as we are not able to keep up with payments. The only last resource we see is to ask strangers for help.
If you can afford to donate even a dollar for us it will be the dollar that gets us closer to securing a roof over our heads this month and feed our cat.
Thank you for reading our story.
K and S

Hello.. first of all, i want to introduce my self my name is angel patricia go i also wrote in the site last year where you also wrote and ask for a help. i just want to tell you that i can help you. i can help you not financialy but i wil tell you that there are still good person in this world who are wiling to help people in need like us. they are mr and mrs gonzaga they dont have children so they prefer to help people in need. he help me and my family pay our debts which is 76,000usd.. i am so thankful that there are stil such good samaritan like them and i hope that they wil also help you and pls dont tel them that i am the one who told you about them because they only help people who deserve it thats what i can do.i just want to share this blessing. tell them your story they wil listen. hope they wil help you too like what they did to me and my family.good luck and god bless. if you are interested just let me know email me at mayetgo@gmail.com