A Hand Up Not A Hand Out

Taxidrive, Indianapo

Hello,I live in Indianapolis,In.Up until March of 2011 I was a cab driver here in town.At that time I was asked by my son to join his small business of cleaning out foreclosed homes,a business he ran along with his regular job. Unfortunately as time went on we found we could no longer work side by side,so I have left as of December 2011.Shortly after leaving my car broke down and any money I had went to utility bills.My goal is to get back in a cab in time for the Super Bowl in February.As my Taxi License expired in September, I need to renew it.The cost to renew your license here is $132.50+ $250.00 for the first weeks rent on the cab.My Goal is to be back in a cab,and to continue driving throughout 2012.I know it's a small goal,but it will keep me going thru the lean times.Every $ is appreciated. Thank you and God Bless.