A desperate mother needs financial help...

Savvysmom, Californi

I need money desperately. I have no other options. Trust me, I've explored them. I am behind on rent. I was recently in a car accident that killed my car - a car I had just poured a bunch of money in, over 1k, to repair to pass the smog inspection my state requires for registration (a car in front of me stopped suddenly before me so I didn't have time to break, and my car, being tiny, went partially under her car, being huge, thus destroying it. I was not intoxicated, I do not drink or do drugs... couldn't even afford to do them even if I wanted to, which I don't). I needed the car to work and to take my five-year-old daughter to school (she goes to a charter), now we've been relying on the rides of relatives who are, themselves, tight for money right now. Because money has been so tight I only had liability insurance, so I'm now without even a vehicle. I own nothing of value. Nothing. I can't afford a car loan, or any loan. I can barely afford food. Most of the utilities companies are threatening to cut me off. I don't have cable or netflix, because I cut them to try and save money. Next will be internet. I can't feed my child a well-balanced meal but I make 'too much' for food stamps (I've tried), which is ridiculous because after deductions and health benefits are subtracted from my check I hardly make anything at all. I literally have no disposable income. I've truly never been so depressed in my life. All day I just want to cry and I day-dream of not waking up in the morning. I have this constant sense that if just one more thing happens to me that it will be the straw that broke the camel's back and send me into permanent catatonia. Right now I'm only holding it together for my daughter's sake. I do work, so I think I'll be okay if I can just get out of this gigantic hole that I'm in. I need to catch up on bills, catch up on rent, find a cheap vehicle that runs, feed my child a healthy meal instead of the ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese we've been living off of, and buy her clothing that's not one size too small for her, like she's been wearing for half the school year since we couldn't afford new clothes after her last growth spurt. Please help me. Please. Any amount would be so beyond appreciated I wouldn't have the proper words to articulate my immense, all-encompassing gratitude. Should someone help me out, I promise to come back and help someone else once I have the means to do so, and pay it forward. No mom should have to be in the place I am now... alone, desperate and scared.