A Better Life For My Children

Angel S., Watts, Ca

Hi, im Angel. And i have three boys that 12, 9, 7. I love my boys. U see we live in one of the biggest projects in los angeles, ca. I was in a shelter for a while. Now we r in low income housing. My 12 try to kill him self in april because of be bullied. Right before that my husband cheated on me. We been together since 2004. Thats a long time. So now i kick him out the house, i have my son back, thank GOD. Parenting cost, i grad already. I just checking in a parent support as i speak. Im been trying to find myself and think about whats best for these men im rasing. Its not easy. I dont have a dad, uncle, or brother that can talk to them. I want to go back to school. Im a depressed people. Im on ssi and im only 30y. I take med for my illness. I just need a little. Please, Lord bless everyone in the world world........sumler26a@aol.com......html.sumler26a@aol.com. THANK U EVERYONE FOR ALL UR HELP,