To pay bills,rent etc...

Severe ac, Sheffield

Hi my name is Stephen last year i had a really bad accident at work i crushed my arm in a machine which wasent my fault and ive been out off work for over a year now i use to have nice things because i worked and since i lost my job my mother has chucked me out and luckly i got my own place from money i had saved but now my money has run out and and im about to loose my flat now i don't have any family i moved to live with my grandparents because my mother was a heroin addict and my dad left me when i was born I met my mother again after 10 years decided to give her another chance butbi realized she was only doing it because i had a good job and was earning money because as soon as i stoped she threw me out please help me i carnt curently work because of my arm and don't have family to rely on please help me with anything thankyou would really appreciate any help thankyou so much for reading