Need Money to Pay Bills

Ken Emerg, USA

I recently lost my job over six months ago, and I am falling behind on having money to pay rent, utilities, medical bills, and other bills including tuition. I have been looking for work, and at the same time I have been trying to make extra income on the side to help pay my bills, and feed my family. I do get a monthly income in the form of a pension since I am a senior, but without the job it has been tough to pay my bills. Recently, my wife became sick, and she had to be rushed to the emergency room three times. This has resulted in deeper financial problems due to very expensive medical bills without health insurance. By the way, she is still very sick. Right now it is extremely urgent that I raise $7459 to help clear my daughter’s tuition debt. She and I have been desperately trying to clear the debt by trying to raise funds and to get loans. We have not been successful. We have to clear the current tuition bill as soon as possible, since she has to be back in school for the upcoming summer session (May/June). Reenrollment by April 29-April 30. We would also need to raise money for the upcoming summer session and the rest of the school year. I have no idea if we can pull it off due to our other financial problems. If we do not meet our upcoming rent, we could be evicted. I have had to beg money for rent ever since I lost my job and with all the other problems. I have already almost depleted my wife and daughter financially just to pay the rent and other bills. Unfortunately, I am the only one who was employed, and even though the others have tried to find work they have not been successful yet. My family and I have always been hard workers, so I hate to put them in a position where I find myself begging for help. If we do not get help somehow in some way this situation could get a whole lot worse. If you feel impressed to help us in any way possible with whatever you can contribute we would greatly appreciate it. If you can even donate something small it will still help.