Finacial Troubles
Please he, South Aus
I'm 15, Please hear me out, my family has been going through some rough times, I lost my father 7 years ago, And there is normally a lot of dispute around the family, But something we have wanted to do for a long time is to buy the house we a living in, It would really help, Even just a little bit would help.

good day! how are you? you know, i feel very sad reading your post. by the way, my name is jesicca i also wrote some site last year to ask for a help.. i was desperately in need last time when someone offered me a help. they are mr. and mrs. Smith they are old couple without siblings so they prefer to help in need like us instead. they are very kind that they help me and my family pay our debts which is 169,000 . im so thankful that there are stil such a good samaritan like them. i just want to share this blessings. please dnt tel them im the one who told you about them. they dnt want to spread their email because many had abuse them. tell them your story. im sure they wil listen. be sincere in asking. they only help people who deserves it. good luck and godbless. if you are interested email me back if not, just ignore. thanks.